
QuitMeter Counter courtesy of www.quitmeter.com.

You know what?..

Now....I'm kinda amazed to myself right now..
Since yesterday....since i'm not going for a late nite drink with my friends, and until now..I haven't touch a single stick. But u know, its the hardest think to go trough with. Imagine you have to left out a habit that have already glued to you for more than 10 years. Its like you stop doing things that you do everyday, like..... talking,condemning about your boss/company.., 1 day you didn't talk about them feel like something is missing and felt miserable.....HAHAHAHAH :D.....
Touching about 10 years of smoking...huh!...NEVER REALIZE THAT!....I can't imagine how dark my lungs now. I started smoking around 1998 when I was form 4. So that means its already 11 years of smoking. huh!
Lets do some simple statistic (as average),
1 day = 14 sticks (approx.)
1 year = 365 days.
= 365 x 14
= 1,460 sticks
11 years = 1,460 x 11
= 16,060 sticks!

WOOOO!!!!! WHAT THE....!!!

Its funnier when I calculate it like this...(try to be an engineer...heh)
1 stick = 120mm x 10mm (approx.)
= 1200mm²
I smoke 16,060 stick
= 19,272,000mm²
= 63,228 feet²
HAHAHAHA...The cigarette I smoke for the past 11 years can cover a ground of more than a bungalow lot....
(I wonder where they throw away the buds?...Is it biodegradable??..Oh mannn!..)