Frankly speaking, I do miss the blog world. And I do miss the discipline I had while I'm blogging. The last post was on 28/10...more than a month I had to ignore the blogging world. By the way, what did I miss?..is there anything new?
As I mentioned before, I was in research for open up a Tshirt printing business...you know wut?...i did it!...(actually it should be 'we' did it)...we did open our own company called 'AE ARTWORK ENT.'. I can say dat it started really good...unexpectedly...due to that, i'm kinda busy setting up the new company...preparing orders....phew!...even my children complains about me not being around with them.....to them, "I'm sorry, its for our own good"...

By the way, regarding my smoking habits...it goes not so well....2 weeks ago...I was hanging out with my friends....I can't stand asking them a stick.....A STICK!...you see....because of the stick....now the craving is more than before....its like missing the one you loved...hahaha....but seriously..it makes me gone nuts everytime i smell the aroma...now it feels like i'm back to stage 'A'..again....you guys out there....listen to me...'DON'T EVER TRY EVEN A STICK!'...its a TRAP!....
I tot honey only dedicated to me???
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